Snoqualmie Casino & Hotel

Snoqualmie Casino & Hotel

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The Cult - Under the Midnight Sun

The Cult - Under the Midnight Sun

When The Cult were preparing to hit the stage at Coachella in 2014, few were expecting the fury that the band delivered. As the festival goers milled about, packing in the field in front of the stage, Ian Astbury and Billy Duffy were building up to a crescendo, of which, when the smoke cleared, Rolling Stone would hail as, “the Messianic moment of Coachella”. Critics have hailed the band as incendiary, ground-breaking, and transcendent, but the band themselves choose to look forward…and in a lot of ways, prefer to be seen as survivors…marginalized and vulgarized, much in the same way their song subjects have been. And it was on the ride home from this performance in the desert that the roots of their tenth album Hidden City began to take root. And it was then that the Astbury realized he was ready to begin putting together the final chapter of a trilogy – one that hadn’t been not, until then, fully realized…one that, with the release of Hidden City in early 2016 would complete a circle that had been forming a long time before…one that, when complete, would encompass their acknowledgement of the global community within a metaphor for our spiritual lives, our intimate interior that spoke for those with voices who are not heard…those who live in outside of the public eye, within the “Hidden City.”

Friday, November 11th, 2022
Doors: 7:00 PM
Snoqualmie Casino Ballroom

Must be 21 or older to attend

*100% Authentic Tickets Only - No Third Party Tickets Accepted
24/7 Ticket Support - (425) 888-1234

37500 SE North Bend Way, Snoqualmie, WA 98065

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